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A New Dawn

Everything is changing. Again.

Dear friends

Life’s cycles never fail to amaze me in their divine geometry.

Of course I have been ultra-aware that my commitment to this platform and to sharing all things sound, cosmic and kooky with you has been waning over these very busy high season months here in India. The pressure of being viscerally IRL seems to have sucked away every last minute. Time, as ever, has taken on an entirely galactic quality and as ever I often contemplate that I must be from a place where truly, it does not exist!

BUT, the perfect amalgamation of feeling words relax into flow again, minutes beginning to unfold and magic starting to stir within, have all aligned with the closing of the Libra lunar cycle so juicily. Nature has a way of being right on time, even though I rarely manage it myself!

I opened my shala here in Goa on the new moon in Libra, so it of course makes absolute natural sense that I should turn my attention away from the space and back to YOU again as the lunar cycle closed, illuminated, shaded, then expanded by yesterday’s epic full moon eclipse.

In fact, it was actually the Taurus eclipse back on October 29th that I last shared anything with you (remember that week of mayhem?!) So it stands to reason that the new moon in the same sign - which arrives on 8th April - will be the moment I fully reawaken the channels.

But over the past few weeks a series of events have been not so much calling me as screaming at me to get back to the page. This Libra cycle and it’s relational themes have revealed so much to me about how I connect, how I do groups, hold space and participate in partnership. It’s been a curious, challenging, abundant, difficult, frustrating and magical first full year here. But today, on the other side of the eclipse, it’s all unfolding beautifully. I’m excited to catch you up with all the news, over time, and share what I’ve learned.

As well as the full moon eclipse, yesterday was also the festival of Holi here in India, a joyful celebration of colour, life and happiness, and a VERY welcome antidote to the tsunami of lunar chaos.

So how are YOU feeling? I’m sure if you are here (thank you for still being tuned in after all this time of neglect), you probably follow enough social accounts to have a decent steer on what this giant full moon weekend and chaotic April astrology is all about. If not, or even if so, stay tuned. Most people I’ve been talking to have been finger-nailing it through the past week, and especially if you have a lot going on in the early degrees of Libra, Aries, Cancer of Capricorn, it’s been a big volume-up moment. For an added olive in your cocktail, those born roughly Oct 1980 to July 1981 (yep, me too) have had this full moon conjunct their natal Saturn - a brutal assault on our structures, operating systems and general order. If this is you - I see you, and we’re getting through it!

I’ll be writing again soon to get up to speed on all the astro happenings as April is FULL of them.

But I am mainly sending this little re-connector to say HI. And THANK YOU.

Last week the majority of my instruments were damaged or destroyed in a freak accident at the shala. Another thing I’ll write more about when I’m up to it.

Aside from FUCKING HELL, one of the first things I thought when I saw the mess was that I’ve been so sporadic on social media and Substack that I wouldn’t have any community left to reach out to for support - emotionally or in any other way.

I’m so blown away by how wrong I was about that. I was already planning to use the energy of this eclipse to quantum leap myself back to the page, but this last few days and the amazing group hug I’ve received has been incredible. If you have already been part of that, thank you so much. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can read about it HERE…


(sneak preview below)

Meanwhile, the top of this post includes a video about working with tarot through lunar (or any events) - I hope you find it useful and it encourages you to explore the cards as a tool for unfolding the messages of the moon and more. I’ve really relied on the tarot lately as the universe has kept dumping challenges at my door, and the direct channel to intuitive thinking that the cards offer has been a lifeline.


As we are all here, I should probably also give you a rundown of a few upcoming happenings - you can of course comment below or drop me a message privately any time for more info, and I’ll share it all here and through Instagram too over the coming weeks.

  1. My book is coming out soon! On May 14th, to be exact. You can pre-order it now from all good bookstores (please support independent if you can). Here’s a link to Waterstones for those in the UK.

  2. I’m hosting my all new, proprietary Total Sound Training Programme in the UK! I’ll be running levels 1 and 2 in Kent in early June, and levels 3 and 4 in Dorset in early October. You can read more at the website: Level 1 is especially designed for those looking to get started with the fundamentals of sound healing by adding it to an existing practice like yoga, reiki or bodywork.

  3. I’m finally getting some online course (re) launched! It’s been eating away at me that I’ve let some of you down by not managing to finish up the last round of Star Nomad - there’s a million reasons why but the more important news is that the updated, re-recorded version of this astrology course is almost ready, and will be launching in April alongside the rebooted Inner Oracle (my tarot 101 course) and a BRAND NEW sound healing course to accompany my book: The World is Sound teaches you how to explore sound healing and the art of listening at home and with your favourite people.

Thank you for being here. I’ll write again soon - meanwhile scroll down for a few more bits and pieces for your coffee break…

Janie xxx


Guys, thank you. I’m so aware that many of you have still been paying monthly even though I have been on the downlow. I’m preparing a couple of workshops and videos for you to say thanks and will also be giving everyone who has stayed here while I’ve been AWOL a big tasty discount on the new courses as well as free month subscription.

I’m so grateful for you.

This newsletter is a subscriber-supported offering - it’s free to receive although there are also elements available for paid subscription, including workshops, additional audio and video, and live streams. These are all coming back online…. I promise! Sign up below to stay tuned in.

Here’s some of the tracks I’ve been playing over the last few months of 2023 and into the first bit of this year… enjoy!

For anyone as geeky about sound science and astrophysics as me, this is a must-read Substack. Loving Jenna’s take on the eclipse:

astrology for writers
the (meta)physics of time: it's eclipse season
astrology for writers is an exclusively reader-supported publication. if you enjoy getting this newsletter in your inbox, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. Astrology is, in many ways, the magic of time. The observation of the Spirit(s) of time. Is it any surprise that cultures the world over — the Mayans, the Chinese, the Egyptians, the Babylo…
Read more
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Silence & Noise
Silence & Noise
Janie Everett